Archive for January 18th, 2009

  • Simple Rules

    Clean your room, don't fight with your sister, feed your pets, do your homework, respect you elders Neil M.

  • Do It Right

    If you don't have time to do it right the first time -  Do you have time to do it the second time?John

  • Pushed Into Doing Things

    It is important to remind boys and especially girls that they have value so they shouldn't feel like getting pushed into doing things they don't wish to.

  • Compassion

    Compassion is the cornerstone to success. If you can understand - not necessarily agree with - another's point of view you - you will look at the world from a new perspective. Also, find a mentor and be a mentor.Tami

  • Willingness to Laugh

    Willingness to learn from own mistakes - not get distracted by a failure....Sometimes the willingness to laugh at/ignore those who disagree or say it can't be done.Joan

  • Network Effectively

    Build positive rapport with everyone, your classmates, teachers and administrators.  It is a very small world and you never know when you might need the help of others.  Demonstrate your very best self everyday.  Keep your eye on the goal.  Be actively involved in clubs, sports, and volunteer activities.  It's your character that counts most!  Not the number of A's you earn. K. Jackson, high school teacher

  • Respect Yourself

    1. Respect your self....Be stable no matter what happens....Make decisions in a calm or neutral frame of mind.Kana

  • 3 Careers vs. 1 Career

    Plan 3 careers, not just one.The world is evolving at an amazing speed and it will only get faster. (Read "Future Shock" by Alvin Toffler)   The experience you gain in one career will be out of date in the next five years. So instead of being just a pharmacist or a marketing specialist or a webmaster, plan on being all the three things you like. And take up the opportunities in any of those three, as they come.  But choose the three things that you

  • Four Words

    Do the right thing!Henderson

  • Influence Each Other

    They must hold their heads high and be proud of who they are.  They must also be open minded and be an influence to each other. Dave

  • Ask for Help

    They must not be afraid to ask for help, they must not be afraid to say when things are wrong and they must not give in to peer pressure - they are not sheep.Dave N.

  • Relationships

    When talking about relationships, don't say they can't, but talk to them about appropriate boundaries and having respect for themselves.  The missing ingredient in these virgin pacts is that they are not even aware that other forms of sex are still sex.  The other thing is that sex programs should really be about talking to kids about self-respect and teaching them to be empowered by doing things in their community.  If we taught kids to have respect for their bodies and gave them things to do in the community, made

  • Stop Worrying

    Best advice I ever got is not too much different from what Mike Lowry says, though mine is straight out of the Book: "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."  Mt.7:34 I have practiced this advice and relieved myself of many burdens.Chris