Teenagers - 10 Facts to Help You
Why are teenagers so turned off by rules, authority and discipline?
Why do Generation Y kids expect things without wanting to “pay their dues”?
To answer these questions you have to look at the world from their vantage point. Think of all the instant communication resources they have always at their disposal. Generation Y has spent years perfecting their instant everything skills.
Here are some facts about the Instant Everything generation that parents, teachers and managers should know about these bright, inquisitive and challenging young people.
Ten Facts About the Instant Everything Generation
1. I like the Internet, cell phones, personal Web pages, etc., because they are attractive, exciting, action-oriented, multi-dimensional and FAST.
2. I will use instant communications, speed, flexibility and rapid decision making to make the most of each day.
3. On the Internet I can research anything and challenge the status quo on everything.
4. I can develop my new ideas and have them validated immediately.
5. I get bored easily.
6. I’m in control. On the Internet I can decide what I want to look at, who I will communicate with and at what time of day or night the activity will take place.
7. I can instantly explore exciting new places, things and ideas without ever leaving my computer.
8. On the Internet I can learn from the brightest minds in the world without lectures, training sessions and classrooms.
9. I can share my ideas with others instantly.
10. I like change and flexibility.
In essence adults are competing with the Internet and instant communications for teenager's attention, and it’s not a fair competition. Simply put, their world moves faster and in more directions than most adults’ world.
Our challenge is to mentor them without lectures; inspire them and show them how to turn their goals into action; and help them learn “the ropes” but know they will use those ropes differently than we did. Teenagers want a two-way mentoring situation. They want to learn from you and they want to show you how to look at some things from a different vantage point.
This Instant Everything generation will change our world in some exciting ways. Rapid and revolutionary change will become the standard as more and more of these young people take their rightful place in the world. Hold on! This is going to be exciting!
Goal Setting Book for Teens
The book teaches students how they can use the goal setting principles to take more responsibility for theireducation.
The Goal Setting for Students book has received three national parenting book awards. You will find it helpful if you want your middle school student to take more responsibility for their education.
Purchase Options:
Written book through
E-book through PayPal
More information about the book's curriculum.
Generation Y Website
A new website will give you a few ideas of the changes your children's generaion will bring to the world.
Business owners and mangers are trying to deal with the upcoming changes the Generation Y (why) students will bring.
Websites We Like
Raising teenagers is challenging, fun, exciting and rewarding. It also can be difficult and exhausing. Here are two websites to help single parents.
Parents Without Partners
One Tough Job
Past Teaching Moments
Character development, life skills ideas from past Teaching Moments newsletters.
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John Bishop
29 Benton Place
St Louis, MO 63104
Website: goalsettingforstudents.com
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