Newsletter Archives

Mirror Time

Accent On Success® is a not-profit organization dedicated to giving parents and teachers the tools skills they need to help teenagers succeed in school and in life.

These teaching moment life skills ideas are distributed free for your use. 


                  This Newsletter Includes:


  1. Topic :   Mirror Time
  2. Free Reprint information
  3. Helpful books & motivational products
  4. Website resources we like
  5. Quote for discussion
  6. Newsletter confession
  7. How to link to us
  8. Contact information
  9. Unsubscribe
  10. Your privacy


      Teaching Moment Idea  -   Mirror Time


Most of us spend at least ten minutes each day in front of a mirror, getting ready in the morning or preparing for bed in the evening.  Instead of mindlessly daydreaming while we perform our daily grooming rituals, we can use this Mirror Time as an opportunity to give ourselves a brief checkup.  I started to use this Mirror Time productively after doing something I should not have when I was younger.  We all have done a few things in our life that, given a chance, we would do differently.  And yes, that includes me.

After such an event I always found it difficult to stand in front of the mirror for those ten minutes while shaving and feel positive about myself.  However, I refused to simply use negative self-talk like: “You are so stupid” or “What a loser” or “Nice going Bishop, you idiot.”  I vowed to take the Mirror Time to learn more about myself and how I handle daily activities.

Thankfully, I have not had to use this exercise a lot because of something I was ashamed about.  However, I still use my Mirror Time regularly.   We all experience various life situations and observe others in the course of a day.   Why not use a few Mirror Time moments getting up in the morning or before you go to bed for some self-reflection?  Use the Mirror Time to assess what you learned today and how you might use those principles tomorrow.  Use the lessons to make your life and the lives of those around you better.

Questions to ask Yourself during Mirror Time:

  1. Were you honest with yourself and others today?

  2. Did you hurt anyone because you talked negatively behind their back?

  3. Did you do something extra or unexpected for which you were not rewarded?

  4. How did you improve a stranger’s day?

  5. If you could relive one hour today, which one would it be and why?

  6. What one thing did you do today to improve your family’s communications?

  7. Who made the biggest impression on you today?  Why?


                            Permission to Reprint


We want to reach as many teenagers, and the people who love them, as possible. 

a)      Please cut and paste the Teaching Moments ideas into your newspaper, newsletter, emails, blog, magazine, MySpace, egroups, or bulletin board. 

b)     Use them as a topic for your radio show

c)      Interview John Bishop for your radio show or publication

d)     Forward to your friends

A byline with our Web or blog address is requested.


                       Book & CD Review


Bonnie Davis, Ph. D has done it again.  Her new book “How to Teach Students Who Don’t Look Like You” has won awards from both the National Education Association (NEA) and the National Staff Development Council.  It is a must have book for your library.   Where to buy the book:

  1. Ms. Davis’s website 


                       Newsletter Confession


Have you been confused who exactly was writing this newsletter?  If so, please let me explain. 

The newsletter is written by my wife, Carole, and me.  We sent out the last eight under the name – Laura – because we thought it would be important to have these parenting life-skills ideas go out over a woman’s name.  By having Laura’s name we could quickly determine that the response was coming from the newsletter.   We did not use Carole’s name because while she helps write the newsletter she has a full time position with a company other than this nonprofit. 

I’m sorry if we confused you.  That was never our intent.  Carole and I will continue to write the newsletter.  In the future they will be sent under my name because I am the Executive Director of Accent On Success®.  We hope that clarifies this for you.


                     Websites Resources We Like


Each of these website resources will help children develop into responsible, caring and productive adults.


                   Quote for the Discussion


If someone’s character is not clear to you, look at that person’s friends.

                                                Japanese proverb


                 Link to


Please use this Web address and description of the Teaching Moment site. 

Motivational material to help children succeed in school and in life.


                            Contact Information


John Bishop

29 Benton Place

St Louis, MO 63104





                              Your Privacy  


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We hate spam and will protect your privacy.  We will never sell, trade or rent names from the Teaching Moments list.         




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Thank you for helping children succeed.





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